Get the insights you need to succeed with Medicare Advantage

Delivered on top of your EHR

Browser extension demo

You should be earning upwards of $300 per member per month from your Medicare Advantage contracts

If you're below that, your practice has significant upside potential. The reason you're not earning this much just yet is because Medicare Advantage is data-intensive and requires navigating through a complex set of requirements. You can go it alone or work with an expert to guide you.

Trial and error vs. expert guidance

If you're underperforming, don't worry — it's not your fault. This is not what you were trained to do.

Cisne Health has delivered insights on tens of thousands of members across multiple health plans

Aetna Humana Medica MMM Simply WellCare

We can help you make the most of your practice's unique opportunities

If someone has approached you about buying your practice, chances are they are looking to take advantage of your practice's upside potential. Don't agree to anything until you have a better understanding of your specific upside.

Risk scores preview

Optimize your Risk Scores

Cisne Health presents you, the clinician, with the insights you need to succeed with your Medicare Advantage risk-based contracts.

These insights include

  • HEDIS opportunities
  • HCC Hx
  • Potential Interactions

The best time to see the specific HCC opportunities as well as the ICD-10 code(s) that triggered them is during the encounter. These insights are presented to you on top of your EHR.

The Cisne app presents all insights directly to you, the clinician. This way, you retain the authority to validate diagnoses.

Implement workflows that drive value

These workflows will get your practice to be a top performer

  • Membership aggregation: Do you really know who your members are?
  • Prioritized scheduling: Do you know who needs to be seen sooner rather than later?
  • Prepared encounters: Do you know each of your patients' HEDIS and HCC gaps? Have they hit their stop loss?
  • Selective referrals: Are you referring to value-conscious specialists?

Cisne works with you and your staff to ensure that all of these workflows are understood and implemented correctly.

Workflows preview

Cisne Can Help You No Matter Where You Are On The Risk Continuum

Risk Continuum

See what Dr. Tom Davis, an expert in value-based healthcare and full-risk insurance contracting, has to say about us

Dr. Davis leveraged the first total-risk Medicare Advantage contract ever offered into a full spectrum healthcare and insurance system offering seven-figure compensation to its providers and eventually sold for $132 million

Cisne Health is the most effective tool to help prepare physicians for face-to-face visits with their patients.

— Tom Davis, MD, FAAFP